Rat Pest Control

Rats cause a lot of damage. As the teeth of rodents continue to grow over their lifetime, they need to gnaw on hard substances such as lead and plastic pipes, insulation material and electric wiring. This habit increases the risk of short circuits and fires. In addition to this, they transmit a number of dangerous diseases such as Salmonella, Leptospirosis (Weil’s disease), Tuberculosis and even tape worms. Professional Treatment by Rat Pest Control

Rats cause a lot of contamination. One single rat equals more than 25000 droppings per year, which contain allergens that can cause acute allergic reactions.

Rats introduce secondary pests. Rats are also known to introduce other pests, such as fleas, mites and ticks into the premise, causing additional damage.

Consequences of Rats on your Business

  • Alarm — immediate loss of trust from customers and employees especially in food processing, industrial & manufacturing and food & beverage sectors.
  • Damage — of goods and equipment such as computers, electrical appliances, wires and pipes in offices and business premises.
  • Losses — infestations may cause product recalls and loss of contracts which can lead to financial loss and bad company reputation.
  • Legal — failure to comply with legislation could lead to business closure or fines.

Have a rat problem?

Rats are nocturnal and usually hide from humans. The typical signs of a rat problem in the home are:

  • Scratching noises in walls or under the floor as rats scurry around.
  • Droppings – rats leave dark, tapered droppings about 10-14mm long.
  • Distinctive smell – rats leave an ammonia-like smell that will be particularly strong in enclosed areas such as under cupboards.
  • Bite marks – rats have teeth that grow continuously and gnaw on wood and plastic to keep them trim. Rats can even cause fires by chewing through cables.
  • Ripped food packaging – rats will tear open food which may leave teeth marks.
  • Nests – rats build nests in warm, hidden places using shredded material such as newspaper and fabrics. Nests will often contain young rats.
  • Burrows – in gardens, rats will dig burrows especially in compost heaps or under sheds. They will also build nests under garden decking.
  • Smears – build-up of dirt and grease from the rat’s fur, commonly on walls and surfaces where rats commute.

Add Your Heading Text HereWhy Choose Professional Rat Pest Control?

Besides effective solutions, a successful rodent (rat) Rat Pest Control also requires much planning and time to implement, which is why we have developed our scope of work to manage the rat infestation effectively:

  • Amateur DIY products are a cost effective way to control rat problems in low risk areas, professional rat control is required for high risk areas, more established rat colonies or where there is a repeated infestation.
  • Rat Pest Control technicians provide highly targeted treatment to deal with any rat problem and will advise on how to keep your home free of rats in the future.
  • Rat Pest Control offers a call-out service to deal with rats and other pest problems in the home. Our service is fast, effective and offers the highest level of safety for your family and pets.

If you would like further advice or to arrange Rat Pest Control a visit from one of our service technicians please call us free on 098811 14112 or contact us.


Rats: How to Get Rid of Rats

Rats and Roof Rats. A quick look at the habits of both will help you understand how to inspect and control the rat population.

Norway rats are larger than the smaller, and sleeker Roof Rats. Roof rats have bigger ears and a longer tail than the Norway rat. Also, the roof rat has a pointed nose, and they are excellent climbers. Roof Rats inhabit attics, upper stories, and exterior vegetation. Norway rats occupy lower portions of the building and the ground.

Techniques & Methods For Rat Pest Control

Rodents Proofing

Proofing refers to blocking the ways for Rodents to enter by putting up guards on the drainpipes. The access of rodents in the area is restricted through this Rat Pest Control.

Trapping Rat Trapping Method

The Snap traps or sticky boards are placed on the runways as traps to catch the rodents. This is a useful Rat Pest Control method for rats when there are a small number of rats in the building. It is generally done for the indoors but can also be carried out for sensitive areas outdoor.

Rat Pest Control Baiting Service

The baits are placed on the runways of the rodents to lure them out. Baits can also be placed in other places where they frequently come. The baits are laced with medicines that can make the rodents die and they are caught and driven away from the property in such a state. It is a best Rat Pest Control method for rats that can be perform at home

Rat Pest Control Checkup & Inspections

The team from company will check up the next day to assess the results of their rodent control services. They will throw the dead rats on the dumping grounds or bury them away safely.

Placement of Rodent Bait Station

It is a crucial aspect of the mechanical and chemical pest control for rats. It is a metal box of rectangular shape where the sticky board or the bait for the rats are kept safely.

Rat Guard Installation

These are galvanized and powder coated metal sheets that are fixed properly over the drainpipes. It does not let the rats climb over the drainpipes and enter the premises to damage the valuable goods that we have and contaminate our food. If you want to apply this method to stop them from entering in your property then contact us. we provide safe rodent control service in Nagpur & near cities.

Rat Glue Trap

Red Glue Tap is set in the rodent’s path and in the direction of travel to catch the rodents. Our rodent control treatment can quickly and effectively eliminate these pests from your space in no time!